Indonesia in a day

The third post in 2013. Yes I said it, 2013. I can't believe its already 2013. A lot will happen in this year and hopefully I will successfully pass through it. Today I went to Taman Mini Indonesia Indah with a couple of friends for a school project. Just a brief introduction for those of you that might not live in Jakarta or Indonesia, TMII is a the whole Indonesia in one park. There are traditional houses, tradition costumes, foods and some attractions & also museums. I haven't been there for ages, and I don't remember a thing. I really had a lot of fun with my friends even through the rain, the spider (one green kinda big spider joined us on ME), and we were riding like a cart with 4 bicycle pedals and it was so heavvyyy. I can't tell you how miserable/fun we have had. 
The ride that I was talking about

Billy (my friend/my photographer for the day) is a cat whisperer 


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