First Anniversary!

Can you believe that today is ALREADY my blog's first anniversary? Can you believe it? Because I can't! Its an awesome feeling! It was probably one of the most interesting 1 year of my life! A lot of opportunity was given to me through this blog, like being accepted as one of the blogger for Indonesia Fashion Week 2012 and met a lot of stylish & lovely Indonesian bloggers! 

Thank YOU, for being such an amazing readers! Its an awesome feeling to come home and open my blogger dashboard and find that people are actually reading my blog! Especially to the Russian! I have no idea how you guys found me, but thank you! (Please tell me how you guys found me, because I really wanna know) And also big thanks for people whom I forced to help me take outfit pictures, especially with my complicated camera! 
and also my page views already reaches more than 10,000 views! THANK YOU


  1. Hey there. Would you mind helping me on how to make my picture resolution is as big as your pictures in the blog? I've been longing to ask this like a while ago but i had no chance to looking at my rigid schedule. Your help is much appreciated if you could email me at or you can simply drop a comment on my blog. Thank you so much pat!

    God bless you xoxo


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