Lockdown situation

How should I begin this post?...

Tell me, has any of you ever REALLY imagined that we could face a health crisis in such a global measures and would personally experience a lockdown in this generation?!? For one, I could never imagined it! Even after 35 days of staying inside, it still feel surreal to digest the news of what is happening in our planet and the amount of people who are infected by this gnarly virus. 

I don't think I have to recap of what's currently happening, nor give sanitary recommendations to you, I ain't no expert on that, instead, we all should follow WHO or other official organizations recommendations. However, I do think it's everyone's role to remind each other to keep positive during this sensitive period, take care of our physical and mental health, follow our local officials recommendations to slowdown the spread of Covid-19, and of course to remind ourselves that we are still blessed enough to have a shelter, food and even, simply clean water to wash our hands regularly. So don't forget to get that ass moving, regardless of how little space you have in your home/apartment. Jog in place, take out that yoga mat or dance around to your favorite song to get that heart rate up everyday. 

I would like to take this opportunity to remind ourselves on how blessed we are, even during this hard times. It think it's human nature to be caught up and focus in one negativity, rather than acknowledging that the one negativity that has been keeping us awake at night is nothing compared to the many blessings we have that was left unrecognized. We got upset that we are no longer able to have a night-out over the weekends, unable to see our friends physically, nor unable to go to Bali this summer due to travel restrictions. 

Guess what, according to water.org, there are 785 million people today that are not getting access to clean drinking water and 2 billion are not able to access a toilet. Imagine, how impossible it is for them to wash those virus away from their hands, when they don't even have water available to drink. So in additions to remind ourselves to be positive, it wouldn't harm us, nor make us poor if we could donate a sum of our blessings. I'm not saying that you have to donate the equal amount of your rent to these organizations–or do it if you have the means– but every cent counts. You would be surprised that you could help to feed a hungry child even with your change money. For example, I've been engaged with ShareTheMeal, which is a mobile application created by the UN World Food Program, that even with your €0.40 (or any currency applicable to your country), you could help to feed a kid for 1 day. In the app, they will show you different available causes and the options of donation you would like to give. For example as per 20/04/2020, you could give €0.4, €2.8, €12 and so on to feed a child for a day, a week and a month respectively. Of course, there's also the option to donate any amount of your liking. Of course ShareTheMeal is just one of the many organizations that are trying to help the people in need. 

In the following days and weeks, I will be posting on some thoughts, activities ideas, life updates, food recipes, daily routine, my favorite workout videos, or basically anything and everything to keep us busy during our lockdown. I want to take this free time to come back too doing things that I used to enjoy like blogging and baking, which I have neglected for the past few months. I wanna know how you guys have been copping during this horrible time, what's happening in your local areas and even your favorite organization to donate! Let's support each other!

Talk to you guys really soon and take care of yourself!!!


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