31 Days Blog Challenge : Day 21

Hey guys! I will start by saying that I will be out of town of a full week! From Sunday to Sunday and to 3 different places! Just want to let you know that I might not be able to find great internet connection for blogging although I'll try my best to blog and I'm sure that I'll be posting a loottt of pictures, so don't forget to follow me on Instagram to follow the fun! My account is patriciarossaa 

Now back to my 31 Days blog challenge! Today's instruction is "Your 10 Favorite Foods", So talk no more and here it is!

1. Sushi! I loovvee Japanese foods! I love sushi and ramen!

2. Fish & Chips! The fish will have to be Dory fish or else its not fish & chips! Usually get them in Fish & co!

3. Kerupuk! Its Indonesian chips that is usually consume while eating our meal, its also very good as you regular snack

4. Gado-Gado is Indonesia salad with Peanut Sauce dressing! Usually served with kerupuk.

5. Macarons

6. Fettucini Carbonara! Very delicious yet so easy to make! I'll share the recipe someday!

7. Sweet and sour fish

8. Noodles! Typical asian favs! lol I love all kinds of noodles and this is one of Indonesian SUPER famous instant noodles, IndoMie! Loved by a looooottt of foreigners and Indonesian!

9. Nerds Candy! Still counted as food right! hahaha

10. Nasi Goreng! Or Fried Rice in english.

Pictures are taken from Google search, Only Macarons and Fish & chips are taken by myself.


  1. YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMM! Seriously, you've just made me hungry..... :)


  2. Looks so delicious!



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